How to Contact Venues Directly

Learn how to contact venues directly using the automated system in Hire Space 360, simplifying the booking process for your event.

Contacting venues directly through Hire Space 360 is a seamless and automated process designed to save you time and effort.

Initial Email Sending

Once you have selected the venues for your event, an initial email containing all the booking information will be automatically sent to each venue. This email includes all the necessary details about your event, ensuring that the venues have all the information they need to respond to your enquiry.

Automation Benefits

The beauty of this system is that you don't need to do anything manually. The automation takes care of everything, from sending the initial enquiry to centralising all follow-ups. This allows you to focus on other aspects of your event planning while the system handles the communication with the venues.

No Manual Steps Required

After the initial selection of venues, there are no additional manual steps required from your end. The automated system ensures that all communications are sent promptly and accurately, reducing the risk of errors and delays.

By using Hire Space 360’s automated venue contact system, you can streamline the booking process and ensure that all your venue enquiries are handled efficiently. If you need further assistance or have any questions, please contact Hire Space support.