Customizing Report Metrics

Learn how to customize report metrics in Hire Space 360 by communicating your specific metrics needs to your Relationship Manager.

Customizing report templates in Hire Space 360 allows you to tailor the data you see to better meet your specific needs. This process is facilitated by your Relationship Manager, who can help incorporate the metrics that are most important to you.

Contacting Your Relationship Manager

If there are specific metrics you would like to see in your reports, the first step is to contact your Relationship Manager. Clearly communicate your requirements, including the exact metrics you need and why they are important for your event planning and analysis.

Explaining the Importance of Metrics

When discussing your needs with your Relationship Manager, it is crucial to explain why these metrics are significant. Providing context and details about how these metrics will help you can assist your Relationship Manager in understanding your needs more thoroughly. This, in turn, helps in the creation of more accurate and useful reports.

By working closely with your Relationship Manager, you can ensure that your report templates are customized to provide the most relevant and actionable insights for your events. For any additional questions or further assistance, please contact Hire Space support.