Learn how to cancel an Instant Booking on Hire Space by contacting the support team.
If you need to cancel an Instant Booking, the process is straightforward. Follow these steps to ensure your booking is canceled correctly.
Steps to Cancel an Instant Booking
Contact Support:
- To cancel an Instant Booking, you will need to send an email to the Hire Space support team.
- Use the email address: support@hirespace.com.
Provide Necessary Details:
- In your email, include the following details to help the support team process your cancellation quickly:
- Your name
- Booking reference number
- Venue name
- Date and time of the booking
- Reason for cancellation
- In your email, include the following details to help the support team process your cancellation quickly:
Wait for Confirmation:
- After sending your email, the Hire Space support team will process your request.
- You will receive a confirmation email once your booking has been successfully canceled.